What Doctors Are Saying

Better understand the benefits of an Adjustable Weight Loss Balloon from experts in the field

Dr. Jimi weight loss doctor

Dr. Jimi Scarparo

I have been using the balloon for about 5 years, 1000 patients more or less, with good success rate, low index of early withdrawal and good tolerance of patients. However, in my view, its main advantage and difference of other types of intragastric balloons is the possibility of readjustments, which I usually do in the 4th month, when normally the weight loss begins to decrease bringing the patient to a new level of satiety and weight loss.. In this way, I can better control the treatment and adaptation of the balloon inside the stomach

Dr. Eduardo Nobuyuki weight loss doctor

Dr. Eduardo Nobuyuki Usuy Jr
Technical Medical Director Clinica Gastrica Usuy, Brazil

“The adjustability feature with the Spatz3, completely changes the way we treat weight loss with intragastric balloons.”
Dr. John Mason weight loss doctor

John Mason MD Chief Endoscopist
Trafford General Hospital National Obesity Surgery Center

“I have been quite satisfied with the Spatz Adjustable Balloon, but, I recently tried the new Spatz3 balloon and was happy to see several improvements. It is now even easier to insert using their new insertion facilitator, and the new valve has grasping areas that make it easier to grasp for adjustment procedures.”
Dr. Sameer Al Awadhi weight loss doctor

Dr. Sameer Al Awadhi Consultant gastroenterologist
Head of gastroenterology Unit Rashid hospital, Dubai

“I recently tried the new Spatz3 adjustable balloon. There are several improvements that make it much easier to use. The insertion facilitator makes insertion safer and easier. The bands come off of the balloon faster. The new valve has grasping areas that make it easier to grab with a grasping forceps and positioning a snare. The Spatz3 is now easier to insert, adjust and remove. The procedure time is shorter and post insertion side effects are less.”

Dr. Valenti Puig Divi weight loss doctor

Dr. Valentin Puig-Divi Chief Gastroenterologist Opcion Medica Clinical Group
Head of Endoscopy, Hospital Parc Tauli and Clinica Corachan, Barcelona, Spain

“The new Spatz3 Adjustable Balloon has brought significant improvements. It is now easier to insert, adjust and remove. The newly designed valve makes it very easy to grab with a grasping forceps. It is as easy as any other balloon and still has the benefit of adjustability and 1 year implantation.”

Dr. Marinos weight loss doctor

George Marinos MD MB BS (Hons), FRACP, MD, Consultant
Gastroenterologist Prince of Wales Hospital, Senior Lecturer University of NSW.

“After more than 5 years’ experience and over 1,000 intragastric balloons, I have been pleased to see a technological breakthrough with the Spatz3 adjustable balloon system. The unique inflation tube system is a much needed function that allows me to start with lower balloon volumes. Now I am able to send my patients back to work the day after Spatz 3 balloon placement. After 4 or 5 months I can double up the size of the balloon and achieve a second round of weight loss. The Spatz3 has ushered in a new era in endoscopic weight loss therapy.”

Prof.dr E.M.H. Mathus-Vliegen weight loss doctor

Prof.dr E.M.H. Mathus-Vliegen Gastroenterologist Professor in Clinical Nutrition Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, C2-207 Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam

“Having had the experience with the USA Wilson-Cook balloons and the Danish Ballobes balloon, which were air-filled, and with the Orbera balloon (BIB, Bioenterics Intragastric Balloon) which was a fluid-filled non-adjustable balloon, I was happily surprised to see the easy introduction and re-adjustment of the fluid-filled Spatz balloon.

Dr. Evzen Machytka weight loss doctor

Evžen Machytka, M.D. PhD. Faculty of Medicine University of Ostrava Department of Gastroenterology Principal Investigator – Spatz Adjustable Balloon System Ostrava, Czech Republic

I have implanted hundreds of intragastric balloons – all the varieties available – and have found that significant weight loss occurs in the first 3 months, with little effect in the remainder of the 6 month implantation period. Approximately 7% of patients are intolerant and have their balloons removed within the first 2 weeks. This has been published in the literature.

The Spatz balloon is the first to offer easy balloon volume adjustments after the initial implantation. I have adjusted the balloon volume successfully in my patients:

  • Several for early intolerance – they now are more comfortable and continue to lose weight. With other balloons, we would have had no choice, but to remove them.
  • Many for diminished weight loss after 3 months. They had a new burst of weight loss at 3 months, which I have not seen with other balloons.
    My patients have always asked to keep their balloon in longer than 6 months. Now I can provide a 1 year balloon. Our 12 month results and those of our colleagues in Spain have revealed weight losses of almost 66 lbs. (30 kg) on average.

Patients with other balloons are already regaining some weight 6 months after removal of their balloons – so that at 1 year Spatz balloon patients have more than double the weight loss compared with other balloons.”

Dr. Cappelletti weight loss doctor

Dr. Fulvio Cappelletti Chief, Department of Gastroenterology
Valdese Hospital Turin, Italy

“I had the opportunity to observe the implantation and adjustment of the new Spatz™ Adjustable Balloon System. I was pleased by the ease of the procedures, especially the volume adjustment, which was performed in a few minutes. The opportunity to tailor the balloon dimension to the needs of any patient in terms of tolerability and weight outcome, is very important for my practice. Moreover the chance of a longer implantation time (12 months), with several adjustments, offers us a new efficient tool against obesity.”

Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon


With our 4-step guide, we will make sure you have everything you need to choose the RIGHT Gastric Balloon